Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tom Kenyon

Its been a while since i last blogged but i have to comment on this inane journalistic diatribe.

The Advertiser August 25 reproduced an article/piece by by Tom Kenyon ( does anyone know who he is?) (it was either him or a4 yo kid who can tell) called My View.

Here are some of his puerile quotes

"often the solution(by governments) put forward is to build an iconic building"

Tom you knob, your government wants to build the Mike Rann Memorial hospital

Then he goes on to say "we need to make a conscious decision that we want Adelaide to be a place that people want to visit and enjoy"

Now I'm not Einstein, but are we the first people to ever come up with this concept, this is an earth moving idea.

Secondly"we need an attitude change"

How about this Tom, you don't get paid $100k a year to make dumb fucking comments

And last of all he suggests"we need to build our strengths" and "eating is important to humans" I'm in shock ....who would of thought that eating is important, not me! but that's why we have politicians like Tom to guide us no brain fuckers through life so they can collect their super in a couple of years time and have a statue built in their honour while the rest of us idiots have to work for a living

oh and he also said "coffee is another thing,we could become a state of baristas", now their is a thought 1.02 million people who can only make coffee, we might as well all become politicians because apparently you do not have to have an IQ above 40 to be one.