I know i am slightly retarded, but that's because i spoke to Kevin Foley(once) , since then my twitch has
aaanndd drugs help. I'm also using
anthroposophic meditation rituals, this curbs the desire to jump at crepuscular shadows while I'm constantly reminded of Kevin's'
aerophagic arse movements and his inane research into
omphaloskepsis which is clearly the only thing he cant see past his
hagiographic nipple supports... but I'm being peripatetic, the real issue is his total waste of tax payers money while he's out with his chauffeur trying to pick up chicks, don't get me wrong I'm not against flirtations with the opposite sex but Kev would incontrovertibly be more at home on the set of the Flintstones than on the streets of Adelaide. once again the people of this poor town(not Bedrock) have to watch Kev and his penis fantasy parade around at La Sing till the wee hours singing
You're The Reason Our Kids are so Ugly
everyone remembers
ConwayTwittyWell at least Kev does, but his version of
If the Phone Doesn't Ring It's Me
Jimmy Buffett
brought back memories........................ of his recent phone bill