Sunday, May 17, 2009

South Australian Politicians versus Truants

You might think this is a strange idea but it does work,

TRUANT: Generally year 8 to year 11 education
POLITICIAN: Would like to aim for year 11 but we generally get less

TRUANT: Bludges on the people who support them
POLITICIAN: Bludges on the people who voted for them

TRUANT: Attends school as little as possible
POLITICIAN: Attends parliament as little as possible (60 days p.a.)

TRUANT: Hangs around supermarkets annoying passers by
POLITICIAN: Hangs around supermarkets annoying passers by

TRUANT: Eats, drinks and smokes with the help of money from the people who supported them
POLITICIAN:.......Wait a minute their is a common thread here

Is it just a simple case that truants and politicians are both blood sucking parasites costing the South Australian public millions of dollars every year, or is truancy the stepping stone for political success?

I wanted to become a politician, but i achieved year 12 and don't suffer from narcolepsy

1 comment:

  1. TRUANTS : have too much time on their hands. Have inflated views of their own importance to society. Have money in their pockets they did not earn. And prefer to spend that money on useless rubbish for immediate gratification.
    POLITICIANS: have too much time on their hands. (Parliament does not sit often enough, and when they are 'free' their PR does everything to help them maintain a distance from voters)
    Have money in the kitty that is far more than they really earned.
    Prefer not to fix the things that matter and instead prefer to lavish the money on bread and circuses (tramlines to no where and a mythical swimming centre in a spot that is stupid). What they do spend money is a cynically chosen list of 'projects' they think will get them re-elected.
