Sunday, June 12, 2011

Jack the kneeJERK Snelling

Dear Jack after listening to your inane commentary via the media (Friday) I felt compelled to comment. While I don’t and never will condone speeding, it seems to me that your bankrupt government (both financially and morally) has always targeted motorist as the get out bet to help sustain your pecuniary incompetence. The baton passed to you by Foley who had the economic brain of a gnat will make it impossible for any of you morons to win the next election race.
Your governments rhetoric about “if you don’t speed you won’t be fined “is right up there with Tom Kenyon’s elucidation of the bleeding obvious.
Let’s compare a person caught speeding and person doing nothing at all
What you fail to tell people is that if they went and lived with a friend or family member in another state for a year, turning off the electricity, turning off the water and gas and leaving the house empty and locked up, on their return they would have all these bills waiting for them even though not one service or utility has been used
4 service to property fees for your electricity (there’s 4 quarters in a year Jack) approx $180
4 supply charges, 4 sewerage access charges and 4 save the Murray levies on your water bill approx $480
4 supply charges for your gas approx $260
1 emergency service levy approx $95
1 council rate approx $1000 which includes a NRM levy
And I’m being conservative
Approximate total $2015 or speeding fine $252 as of 1st July 2011
Of course all of these would have fines and penalties attached to them for late payment and all this from NOT living here. Why the Fuck would you live in this state Jack
In essence Jack I do not care about being fined for law breaking, but I strongly resent being basically FINED for doing absolutely nothing. And that’s ALL thanks to you and you’re incompetent government

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tom Kenyon the knob

 “Our community will not tolerate knobs, roosters or wankers, behind the wheel,” Mr Kenyon said.

Προεξοχή... its Greek for knob Tom

In Greek mythology, a youth changed by Ares into a rooster.
Alectryon was a Greek youth. One night, while "sleeping" with Aphrodite, Ares stationed Alectryon by the bedroom door to warn them about the coming of the sun (Helios); however, Alectryon fell asleep, and Helios walked in on the couple. Ares was so enraged that he turned Alectryon into a rooster, who must forever announce the approach of the sun in the morning.

And, from out a neighbouring farmyard,
Loud the cock Alectryon crowed.

Wanker is the same in any language. Why all this useless information Tom, because Tom your fellow parliamentarian (Tom Koutsantonis)... sorry the Honourable (sic) who had over 60 driving offences is all of the above, maybe you should use him in your taxpayer funded commercials on what a real idiot on the road looks like. But because you don’t live in the real world Tom you won’t.

But it’s all Greek to me Tom, (you knob)