Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mike Rann = Duplicity

Eminem, whether its Media Mike, Matador Mig or the Monotonal Mutant our own Misinformed Moron of a premier still believes this state does not need an ICAC, while elsewhere around the country and around the world politicians and police are being arrested for corruption. Yet Minister Midget ignores vox populi, the people who put him there, and continues to believe there could not be any corruption in South Australian government or public service.

He thinks that a police anti-corruption squad or an ombudsman will suffice, theres nothing quite like pubic servants investigating themselves. when this Mugabe Mirror has been disempowered
and the good citizens of little Madrid... i mean Adelaide can have an ICAC commissioned, we will be asking that all their investgations be retrospective so that the Monomorphic Minnow will have to justify

Selling state property to Spanish buisness interests for less than market value

Buying 2nd hand Spanish trams for more than they paid

Why the major investor in the desal plant(which he didnt want) is Spanish

Why his brother Chris gets a plum job that wasnt advertised or put out for tender

Why the new swimming pool at Marion will be modular and built in Italy(maybe Sasha's uncle builds them)

But by this time i suspect our Miscengenetic Misfit will be living the good life at our expense at a secret location in europe

Hasta Luego Miguel

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