Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pat Conlon (another one bites the dust)

Poor old postman Pat, he who runs the DTEI the Department of Treachery,Embarrassment and Insidious behaviour, poor old Pat could be in some real bother soon and he hasn't seen it coming.
This is the person who thinks $20 million is a fair price for a foot bridge across the mighty Torrens. Let me see; the Bakewell underpass cost $41 mil... a huge project. Elder Smith Rd at Mawson Lakes over 1km of sealed bitumen roadworks cost $11 mil. A foot bridge across the Bruce highway (Qld) to join two university campuses cost $8 mil.
Poor old Bung Fritz Pat must think the public are completely stupid if we don't think that he gives large over priced contracts to some mates of his and King Mike.
And this is the same minister who met with engineers who were constructing the Southern Expressway when he got into office and was told that for $20 mil extra they could do the earth works necessary if for any reason the government ever wanted to duplicate the road. Guess what.......Pat said NO. Of course now we are going to duplicate it.
Someone please tell me why we don't need an ICAC

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