Sunday, May 10, 2009

South Australian Government Report Card

Why is it that only political journalists(is that an oxymoron) produce report cards about politicians? We basically have one newspaper in this state which reports with unbiased views(what is it with oxymoron's)

So i thought i would have a crack.

Minister for the ship of Fools
Poor media Mike, I'm still trying to work out how he got the top job. Then it dawned on me, they had a dwarf throwing competition(apologies to Matt Abraham) late one night in the depths of the Labor (do you remember when labour had a U in it, now its not for U but them) Party machine headquarters "The Colac Hotel", in between lap dancing and free beer poor little Mike must of had more Velcro on than the other wannabes, got stuck higher than anyone else, the rest is history.
Poor little Mike has a problem with an ICAC. For the uninitiated its an "Independent Commission Against Corruption" We all know that corruption and politics go hand in hand which leads me to the question of why we don't have a Spanish Inquisition? Has anyone asked why the Public Trustee building was sold to a Spanish business man, why the desal plant is being built with the help of a Spanish Consortium and the new destroyer fleet is Spanish. One only has to do some background work and a shareholders check in another country, lets say New Zealand... wait that's where Mikes from. I've always wondered why politicians wives don't change their surnames.
3/10 pesos

Kevin Foley
Minister for selling the States assets
Poor little Kev, big on vitriol again small in stature, wants to date all the beautiful women of Adelaide, i said beautiful not smart. This is the person who defends Land Tax, again for people who don't know, in simple terms this a tax you pay when you own more than one property(does the state government pay Land Tax) unless its interstate...lets say NSW like little Kev did, then you don't. So my advice to all is invest in property anywhere but here!
I think we should get the treasurer from the local bowling club to come in twice a week.
1 house on Old Kent Road 0/10

Pat Conlon
Minister for making everyone late
Has anyone noticed that all the pot holes around Adelaide have little white corners painted around them. This is to give the impression that they are going to be repaired. What really happens is the paint wears off in 12 months then they do it again. At least Pat gets out and about in the town, his chauffeur knows all the short cuts.
He's got a ticket to ride and he don't care 1/10

Michael Wright
Minister for what ever is left over
Had more ministries than the church of scientology. Must have photos, maybe of Mike Rann at a bullfight in Spain(in a corporate box), possibly of Kevin Foley paying for a meal, or even Pat Conlon walking.
Always look on the wright side of life -3/10

special mention to Chris Rann,(brother of Mike) gets the PR gig for THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE, who said nepotism was dead, (not any politician) must of been the right man(or is that rann) for the job, will never know because it wasn't put out for tender. 10/10


  1. Dear Mr Snowball. Your Report Card is right on the money, err Pesos. The only thing not spanish in Adelaide is the absence of a daily siesta. Come to think about it, I might be wrong about that. Been in Parlie Barley House lately? How aboooot a Parliamentary Inquiry in to Siestas and daylight saving!

  2. Thanks adelcomp,
    My next incisive comment will be on John Hill
    Maybe i'll dissect him!....wait i cant,run out of beds and chairs, he'll have to go on the waiting list.

  3. Dear Mr Snowball.
    Despite my alternate Budget, Mr Conn Swan seems to have ignored my request for a 10 billion dollar injection into PUBS. So, I suggest a campaign to Woolies. Let's do a Colac. After all, if it's good enough for the ruling Government.
    WackyBecky.....Titty Tatty Nit Nat....Mickey Michael in a GGGGGGGGGG
